It was an unforgettable and wonderful moment to celebrate 5 years of ALJECO orphanage by visiting Mikumi National Park in Morogoro. The hotel that the team lodged was the ARC hotel for two nights. It was a trip that included visitors from the Aljeco organization of the Netherlands and Denmark, all ALJECO kids and staff and the Tanzanian board members. Travelling with kids for the first time was a great way to boost development and help them adapt to changing situations.
Overall, it was a beautiful excursion which helped the team appreciate nature and animals living therein. It is hoped that this excursion would create lasting impressions on young minds about the need to conserve environmental heritage. The kids were excited to see the animals all around such as simba (lions), giraffes, and elephants thus bringing these wondrous two days to a glorious end.
The Netherlands (Dutch ALJECO organization):